sexta-feira, abril 13, 2007

Burn All the Books

There's nothing there.
The books have nothingto say!
Look, these are all novels.
All about people that never existed.
The people that read them, it makes them unhappy with their own lives,
Makes them want to live in other ways that can never really be.
All this philosophy, let's get rid of it.
It's even worse than the novels.
Thinkers, philosophers, all ofthem saying exactly the same thing:
"Only I am right.The others are all idiots."
One century, they tell you man's destiny is predetermined.
The next, they say tha the has freedom of choice.
It's just a matter of fashion,that's all.
Just like short dresses this year, long dresses next year.
Look. All stories of the dead.
Biography that's called.
And autobiography.
My life. My diary.My memoirs.
My intimate memoirs.
Of course, when they started out,it was just the urge to write.
Then after the second or third book, all they wanted was to satisfy their own vanity,
To stand out from the crowd, to be different,
To be able to look down on all the others.

Now, here's a bookabout lung cancer.
All the cigarette smokers got into a panic,
so for everybody's peace of mind, we burn it.
Ah, now this one must be very profound. The Ethics of Aristotle.
Now anybody that read that must believe he's a cut above anybody that hadn't.
You see, it's no good, Montag.
We've all got to be alike.
The only way to be happy is for everyone to be made equal.
So, we must burn the books,Montag.

Farenheit 451